
How long is the delivery time when I order goods from Bjelin?

How long is the delivery time when I order goods from Bjelin?

Items in our warehouse are shipped from us within 1-3 working days. Orders received before 09.00 during a working day regarding goods that are in our warehouse, are normally sent out the same day. The freight forwarder will usually contact you before delivery. All deliveries are made to the sidewalk, gate, plot boundary, or yard entrance, depending on what your accommodation looks like. Be prepared to help unload the goods from the truck. Each package can weigh from about 10 kg to about 30 kilos. You need to plan delivery options to your street or entrance when choosing the delivery date, as your order is normally delivered by truck. For all deliveries, transport to the address on a drivable road applies. Additional costs may apply for delivery to a non-drivable road.

In the event of undelivered delivery, or refused delivery, any extra costs in the form of, for example, the recipient being unavailable for delivery or warehouse rent following the recipient being unavailable, will be charged to the buyer at cost.

We do everything to process your order as quickly as possible. Sometimes delays of various kinds can still occur, and we will inform you of these as soon as we can.